Wednesday 28 September 2016

What is the meaning of the number 7?

Chief Keyfukumbe is not just an ordinary traditional healer, but an extra ordinary healer. that heals with the natural god given powers together with the powers of good djinn in healing different disease and together with different problems

I Treat Different Spiritual Diseases And Different Spiritual Problems According To One’s Beliefs I Do Everything In Broad Day Light Because The  Darkness Makes Darkness and the Light Make Lightness.

Symbol of completion and perfection in every tradition, the number 7 refers to the whole planetary orders, the whole celestial dwellings and the whole spiritual energies. But the number seven is shrouded in mystery and has many other meanings.

Meaning of the number 7 in numerology 

Obtained when adding 3, celestial symbol of Trinity, and 4, symbol of terrestrial materiality (the 4 cardinal points), the number seven is also the symbol of “the union between the Sky and the Earth”.
Consequently, it is omnipresent in your life:
  • there are 7 days in a week,
  • there are 7 colors in a rainbow,
  • there are 7 notes in the diatonic scale,
  • there are 7 centers of energy (or “chakras”) in Yoga,
  • there are 7 planets in traditional astrology
  • (I guess you have found even more examples)…
All this seems pretty simple, quite ordinary. But it’s not!

The number 7 and its Angels

It also refers to what is particularly dear to your heart: the Heavens (there are 7 of them) where the angelical orders reside and where the Archangels are Princes.
The number 7 is the embodiment of divine Perfection. Isn’t the world said to have been created in 7 days by God?

7, mystical symbol

When taking a closer look at it, the number 7 quickly becomes an initiation number, a mysterious number. Here’s an example: each lunar cycle is composed of four 7-day periods; in other words, a total of 28 days. To become initiated and open the door to the mystery this number is shrouded in, add the first 7 numbers:
1 + 2 + 3 + 4 + 5 + 6 +7
What is the result of this addition?… 28! Strange, right?
It’s because everything that revolves around the number 7 has always been linked to mystery that it is universally considered as the lucky number par excellence.
Did you know that it is the number that is most often used when playing the lottery or other games of chance?
If it is or becomes your lucky number or, better still, if it helps you win the jackpot someday, you will remember on that day, I think, what I’ve just taught you.
To be lucky, this numerological data will provide you valuable help. But to stack the odds in your favor, I’ll offer you to go even further by revealing the name of the being that will not hesitate to help you: your Protective Guardian Angel. To know who he is and what his name is, you can try out my 

For More Information Contact Chief Keyfukumbe:
Phone: +27 63-099-9512
Or Visit:

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