Wednesday 28 September 2016

How to pray to make your wishes come true

Chief Keyfukumbe is not just an ordinary traditional healer, but an extra ordinary healer. that heals with the natural god given powers together with the powers of good djinn in healing different disease and together with different problems

I Treat Different Spiritual Diseases And Different Spiritual Problems According To One’s Beliefs I Do Everything In Broad Day Light Because The  Darkness Makes Darkness and the Light Make Lightness.

 Prayers are not specific to religions. They are a state of mind that requires sincerity towards yourself, towards others and towards the Divine Forces. It is an attitude turned to hope and the future. But, although praying lies within everyone’s reach, there are some secrets that have to be known so that, when you say a prayer, you can make a success of your life.

An Angel has revealed his secrets to pray

One night, I woke up without apparent reason with a deep feeling of well-being, I’d even go as far as to say a feeling of “beatitude”. While I was still in bed, I sat up and opened my eyes: a divine Angel was standing there, in front of me, and he was smiling at me. He talked to me using these words:
«This is an extremely important and venerable Mission that I am entrusting you with today, my Dear Padre:
That of revealing the deep and unfathomable Mysteries of Happiness on Earth to those who are dearest to your heart.
I have decided to transmit some Precious Secrets to you that will turn Prayers into undeniable assets
For those who wish to make their lives a success.
A divine Angel of the spirits of the Planets corresponds to each wish.
You must now focus to perfectly memorize the recitation I will make…».
I then sat down in a yoga posture, emptied my mind and waited for the Secret Teaching he had accepted to offer me with my arms stretched out to the Angel of my Vision.

Praying to such Angel, on such day for such wish

This celestial being, first of all, cited the Name of the divine Angels of the spirits of Planets and the days of the week over which they reign:
Cassiel reigns over Sunday; he is the Angel of Fortune
Sachiel reigns over Monday; he is the Angel of Powers
Samael reigns over Tuesday; he is the Angel of Success
Anael reigns over Wednesday; he is the Angel of Well-being
Raphael reigns over Thursday; he is the Angel of Good Luck
Michael reigns over Friday; he is the Angel of Love
Gabriel reigns over Saturday; he is the Angel of Protection
For your prayers to be heard, it is important that you take these secret teachings into consideration. You will thus know which Angel to invoke, on which day, depending on the wish you would like to see come true.

Magical Advice for your Prayers to be heard

Finally, this Divine Angel gave me several Magical Tips to respect so that the Sacred Prayers may produce all of their effects to fully and entirely fulfill your wishes. Here is the list of these tips:

Favorable Moon

The Moon ascends and descends in the sky. At the highest level of its ascent, it is called “Full Moon”; at its lowest level, it is called “New Moon”. These monthly movements have a considerable significance as far as cosmic energies are concerned and produce influences that Angels make use of to show how to make wishes come true to the humans they have chosen.

The Day best suited to say your Prayers

Each day of the week is presided over by an Angel and has a specific area of influence.
For example: Cassiel is the Angel of Sunday and Sunday is a day dedicated to Fortune; this is thus the day when you should recite your Prayers for Fortune. It is the same for every other day.

The exact time when you say them

The time when you say a Prayer is crucial when it comes to fulfilling your wishes: it is defined by the Angel depending on the position of the Sun in space and on the nature of the influences that are derived from this position.

The right Posture to adopt during the Recitation

You can’t pray anytime you like and you can’t pray just anyhow either. For your mind to be correctly focused on the Prayers you are going to recite, it must first be attuned to your body.
The Angel who taught me the Postures called them “angelical Postures”. They are a bit yoga-like and they will make you come into direct contact with the celestial Spheres. As a result, you will feel an extraordinary well-being.

Orienting your Prayers

The Sun rises in the East, reaches its zenith (the “Middle of the Sky”) and sets in the west.
In the South lies Fire. In the North lies cold. Depending on the nature of the wish you will make, you will have to turn to one of these 5 spatial directions while you say your Prayer.

Outfit to Pray

Donning adequate clothing enables people to harmonize their vibrations with the energy of the Angels. White, symbol of purity, is the favorite color of the Angels. Thus, I advise you to wear clothes of this color when you recite your Prayers. Also, since contact with the terrestrial energies is primordial, always say your prayers with bare feet.

For More Information Contact Chief Keyfukumbe:
Phone: +27 63-099-9512
Or Visit:

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