Thursday 29 September 2016


Chief Keyfukumbe is not just an ordinary traditional healer, but an extra ordinary healer. that heals with the natural god given powers together with the powers of good djinn in healing different disease and together with different problems
I Treat Different Spiritual Diseases And Different Spiritual Problems According To One’s Beliefs I Do Everything In Broad Day Light Because The  Darkness Makes Darkness and the Light Make Lightness.

The hamsa hand (Arabic) or hamesh hand (Hebrew) is an old and still popular apotropaic amulet for Magical Protection from the envious or Evil Eye. The words hamsa and hamesh mean "five" and refer to the digits on the hand. An alternative Islamic name for this charm is the Hand of Fatima, in reference to the daughter of Mohammed. An alternative Jewish name for it is the Hand of Miriam, in reference to the sister of Moses and Aaron.
The hamsa hand appears both in a two-thumbed, bilaterally symmetrical form, as shown, and in a more natural form in which there is only one thumb. There is good archaeological evidence to suggest that the downward-pointing protective hamesh / hamsa hand predates both Judaism and Islam and that it refers to an ancient Middle Eastern goddess whose hand (or vulva, in other images) wards off the Evil Eye.

Hand Of charm against enchantment      
Hand Of Power, Roman

The use of a representation of the Hand as a
talisman can be traced back to at least 800 years B.C., when it was used as a charm against
enchantment. Many varieties of the Hand exist;
in some the elaboration is very marked, each
device representing some particular charm.
Life size models of these Hands were supposed
to guard the house against all influences of
magic and evil, and smaller replicas protected
their wearers from every description of harm.
The extended thumb and first two fingers, the
third and fourth fingers closed, is a position
still assumed during the Benediction in some
Christian Churches to-day.


In April of 1996 my friend and former fellow-communard K. Rudin brought me a delightful Mexican

The Snow-Globe Pyramid of Luck is a cast lucite plastic Egyptian (not Mayan) style pyramid filled with numerous lucky items arranged in three layers. Each one i have seen is slightly different from the others. They come in at least two sizes, as well. The layers were cast in reverse order, from the top down, and the plastic was allowed to harden between layers. Each pyramid is different, but from the top, this one contains:

(1) A silver-washed milagro hand, pointing downward, representing the Powerful Hand of God, in a layer of clear plastic. The smaller pyramids (6 millimeters high) never have a milagro cast into the top layer and even in the larger ones (7 Millimeters high), this charm seems to be optional. Variant milagros, when included, can be a four-leaf clover or a cross of Caravaca.

(2) A hollow glass ball filled with golden-yellow liquid in a layer of clear plastic. The sphere is capped at the top with a saint-print image of San Martin Caballero, the patron of wealth and money. Inside the sphere is a floating white plastic Buddha. The Buddha was cast from the same mold used on a Mexican package amulet of the "miniature horsehoe" type. In some pyramids, a colour print of the Virgin of Guadalupe or Saint Judas Thaddeus replaces San Martin Caballero. The liquid in the globe can be blue, purple, yellow, or green and in some of the smaller ones there is no included Buddha.

(3) A base layer of golden-yellow plastic in which are embedded white plastic charms of Buddha, an elephant with raised trunk, and horseshoe; piles of glitter (red, gold, green, and blue in colour); magnetic sand; and an array of rice and small red and black Abrus Precatorius seeds. These beans are also found in Mexican package amulets of the miniature horseshoe type. (See the page on red beans for more about the "good luck" qualities of these and several other species of psychedelic, intoxicant, and lethally toxic legumes known as rosary beans, colorines, huayruru seed, coral bean, frijol colorado, mescal bean, crab-eye, and frijolitos.) The base-layer of plastic varies in colour from piece. In some pyramids, the Abrus seeds, rice, and charms are laid down in neat patterns, in others they are scattered at random.

It is higly likely that the manufacturer of these pieces is also responsible for the Lucky Buddha Pregnant With a Christian Cross, which contains a similar assortment of natural items and plastic amulets cast from the same molds.

The Mexican Snow-Globe Pyramid of Luck is a nice surprise from the world of cross-cultural folkloric amulet-making. Good luck in finding one of your own! 
good luck piece which she found in Ukiah, California, a medium-sized rural town north of San Francisco. I had never seen one before and was immediately caoptivated by its charm.

For More Information Contact Chief Keyfukumbe:
Phone: +27 63-099-9512
Or Visit:

Wednesday 28 September 2016

What is the meaning of the number 7?

Chief Keyfukumbe is not just an ordinary traditional healer, but an extra ordinary healer. that heals with the natural god given powers together with the powers of good djinn in healing different disease and together with different problems

I Treat Different Spiritual Diseases And Different Spiritual Problems According To One’s Beliefs I Do Everything In Broad Day Light Because The  Darkness Makes Darkness and the Light Make Lightness.

Symbol of completion and perfection in every tradition, the number 7 refers to the whole planetary orders, the whole celestial dwellings and the whole spiritual energies. But the number seven is shrouded in mystery and has many other meanings.

Meaning of the number 7 in numerology 

Obtained when adding 3, celestial symbol of Trinity, and 4, symbol of terrestrial materiality (the 4 cardinal points), the number seven is also the symbol of “the union between the Sky and the Earth”.
Consequently, it is omnipresent in your life:
  • there are 7 days in a week,
  • there are 7 colors in a rainbow,
  • there are 7 notes in the diatonic scale,
  • there are 7 centers of energy (or “chakras”) in Yoga,
  • there are 7 planets in traditional astrology
  • (I guess you have found even more examples)…
All this seems pretty simple, quite ordinary. But it’s not!

The number 7 and its Angels

It also refers to what is particularly dear to your heart: the Heavens (there are 7 of them) where the angelical orders reside and where the Archangels are Princes.
The number 7 is the embodiment of divine Perfection. Isn’t the world said to have been created in 7 days by God?

7, mystical symbol

When taking a closer look at it, the number 7 quickly becomes an initiation number, a mysterious number. Here’s an example: each lunar cycle is composed of four 7-day periods; in other words, a total of 28 days. To become initiated and open the door to the mystery this number is shrouded in, add the first 7 numbers:
1 + 2 + 3 + 4 + 5 + 6 +7
What is the result of this addition?… 28! Strange, right?
It’s because everything that revolves around the number 7 has always been linked to mystery that it is universally considered as the lucky number par excellence.
Did you know that it is the number that is most often used when playing the lottery or other games of chance?
If it is or becomes your lucky number or, better still, if it helps you win the jackpot someday, you will remember on that day, I think, what I’ve just taught you.
To be lucky, this numerological data will provide you valuable help. But to stack the odds in your favor, I’ll offer you to go even further by revealing the name of the being that will not hesitate to help you: your Protective Guardian Angel. To know who he is and what his name is, you can try out my 

For More Information Contact Chief Keyfukumbe:
Phone: +27 63-099-9512
Or Visit:

How to pray to make your wishes come true

Chief Keyfukumbe is not just an ordinary traditional healer, but an extra ordinary healer. that heals with the natural god given powers together with the powers of good djinn in healing different disease and together with different problems

I Treat Different Spiritual Diseases And Different Spiritual Problems According To One’s Beliefs I Do Everything In Broad Day Light Because The  Darkness Makes Darkness and the Light Make Lightness.

 Prayers are not specific to religions. They are a state of mind that requires sincerity towards yourself, towards others and towards the Divine Forces. It is an attitude turned to hope and the future. But, although praying lies within everyone’s reach, there are some secrets that have to be known so that, when you say a prayer, you can make a success of your life.

An Angel has revealed his secrets to pray

One night, I woke up without apparent reason with a deep feeling of well-being, I’d even go as far as to say a feeling of “beatitude”. While I was still in bed, I sat up and opened my eyes: a divine Angel was standing there, in front of me, and he was smiling at me. He talked to me using these words:
«This is an extremely important and venerable Mission that I am entrusting you with today, my Dear Padre:
That of revealing the deep and unfathomable Mysteries of Happiness on Earth to those who are dearest to your heart.
I have decided to transmit some Precious Secrets to you that will turn Prayers into undeniable assets
For those who wish to make their lives a success.
A divine Angel of the spirits of the Planets corresponds to each wish.
You must now focus to perfectly memorize the recitation I will make…».
I then sat down in a yoga posture, emptied my mind and waited for the Secret Teaching he had accepted to offer me with my arms stretched out to the Angel of my Vision.

Praying to such Angel, on such day for such wish

This celestial being, first of all, cited the Name of the divine Angels of the spirits of Planets and the days of the week over which they reign:
Cassiel reigns over Sunday; he is the Angel of Fortune
Sachiel reigns over Monday; he is the Angel of Powers
Samael reigns over Tuesday; he is the Angel of Success
Anael reigns over Wednesday; he is the Angel of Well-being
Raphael reigns over Thursday; he is the Angel of Good Luck
Michael reigns over Friday; he is the Angel of Love
Gabriel reigns over Saturday; he is the Angel of Protection
For your prayers to be heard, it is important that you take these secret teachings into consideration. You will thus know which Angel to invoke, on which day, depending on the wish you would like to see come true.

Magical Advice for your Prayers to be heard

Finally, this Divine Angel gave me several Magical Tips to respect so that the Sacred Prayers may produce all of their effects to fully and entirely fulfill your wishes. Here is the list of these tips:

Favorable Moon

The Moon ascends and descends in the sky. At the highest level of its ascent, it is called “Full Moon”; at its lowest level, it is called “New Moon”. These monthly movements have a considerable significance as far as cosmic energies are concerned and produce influences that Angels make use of to show how to make wishes come true to the humans they have chosen.

The Day best suited to say your Prayers

Each day of the week is presided over by an Angel and has a specific area of influence.
For example: Cassiel is the Angel of Sunday and Sunday is a day dedicated to Fortune; this is thus the day when you should recite your Prayers for Fortune. It is the same for every other day.

The exact time when you say them

The time when you say a Prayer is crucial when it comes to fulfilling your wishes: it is defined by the Angel depending on the position of the Sun in space and on the nature of the influences that are derived from this position.

The right Posture to adopt during the Recitation

You can’t pray anytime you like and you can’t pray just anyhow either. For your mind to be correctly focused on the Prayers you are going to recite, it must first be attuned to your body.
The Angel who taught me the Postures called them “angelical Postures”. They are a bit yoga-like and they will make you come into direct contact with the celestial Spheres. As a result, you will feel an extraordinary well-being.

Orienting your Prayers

The Sun rises in the East, reaches its zenith (the “Middle of the Sky”) and sets in the west.
In the South lies Fire. In the North lies cold. Depending on the nature of the wish you will make, you will have to turn to one of these 5 spatial directions while you say your Prayer.

Outfit to Pray

Donning adequate clothing enables people to harmonize their vibrations with the energy of the Angels. White, symbol of purity, is the favorite color of the Angels. Thus, I advise you to wear clothes of this color when you recite your Prayers. Also, since contact with the terrestrial energies is primordial, always say your prayers with bare feet.

For More Information Contact Chief Keyfukumbe:
Phone: +27 63-099-9512
Or Visit:

3 exercises to open and develop your third Eye

The Ability And Strength Of The Legendary Djinn / Jinn

Chief Keyfukumbe is not just an ordinary traditional healer, but an extra ordinary healer. that heals with the natural god given powers together with the powers of good djinn in healing different disease and together with different problems

I Treat Different Spiritual Diseases And Different Spiritual Problems According To One’s Beliefs I Do Everything In Broad Day Light Because The  Darkness Makes Darkness and the Light Make Lightness.

Allah has given the jinn power and ability that He has not given humans. Allah has informed us of some of their ability, including great speed and strength, along with their ability to possess both living and nonliving bodies.


They can move from place to place very fast; and can carry objects/people along with them.  people  travel from place to place through the air –while carried by the jinn ( djinn)

Strong & Fast Moving
They can move from place to place very fast; and can carry objects/people along with them. From Majmu-al-fatwa of Ibn Tamiyya, we find stories about people who used to travel from place to place through the air – they were all carried by the Jinn. More stories tell us about people who lived far away from each other. Yet they used to communicate with each other through messages, all exchanged by a Jinn. There are hundreds of other stories that confirm the same ability.

This ability is also confirmed from the Quran that when Solomon (as) asked his men whether there is anyone who will bring me the throne of Bilqis (Queen of Sheba – who was on her way to surrender to Solomon). An Efreet from among the Jinn promised Solomon (as) that he would be able to bring the throne of Sheba to Jerusalem in a period of time that was so short that a man would not be able to stand from his place of sitting. But one who had knowledge of the Book said, “I will bring it before your gaze returns to you” Allah has described this incident in the Quran with the following verses:

“A strong among the Jinn (efreet) said: I will bring it to you before you can rise from your place. Lo! I verily am strong and trusty for such work. One whom had knowledge of the scripture said: I will bring it to you before your gaze returns to you. And when he saw it set in his presence, and he said, ‘This is from the bounties of my Lord’” (al-Naml: 39-40)

Builders & Divers

It is also known from the Quran that the Jinn used to build Castles for Solomon, those who would dive into the depths of Oceans and bring jewels and pearls from the depths below.

“”And (We gave him – Solomon) certain of the jinn who worked before him by permission of his Lord. And such of them as deviated from Our command, them We caused to taste the punishment of flaming fire. They made for him what he willed: Synagogues and statues, basins like wells and boilers built into the ground”” (Saba 12-13).

““So We made the wind subservient unto him (Solomon), setting fair by His command whatever he intended. And the devils, every builder and diver (made We subservient), and others linked together in chains.”” (Saud 36-38)

Another verse in the Quran implies that they made Solomon a Castle of Glass [Quartz].

In preparation for the arrival of Bilqis, Prophet Sulayman (A) had ordered a palace of glass to be built. Under the glass floors, there was a pool of water with various kinds of fish swimming in it. When Bilqis arrived, he took her to the palace. The Holy Qur’an says:

“She was told, “Enter the palace.”; but when she saw it she thought there was a pool of water and bared her legs. (Sulayman) said, “Indeed this is but a place of glass.” (She) said, “My Lord! verily I have been unjust to myself. I submit with Sulayman to Allah, the Lord of the worlds.” (Quran 27:44)

Likewise, the Pyramids and the wonders of Petra are plausibly all the work of the Jinn. We find much affiliation between the pharaohs and the jinn of that time in Egypt. I will write about this in detail, soon Insha’Allah. – Next Page

Defying gravity

We can expect this ability from the above two characteristics. The jinn used to go to the lowest heaven to eavesdrop on the inhabitants of the heavens in order to find out what event would occur in the future. When the Prophet (saw) was sent his message the number of ‘guards’ in the heavens were increased. Allah says in the Quran,

‘And we have sought [to reach] the heaven but found it filled with powerful guards and burning flames.’
‘And we used to sit therein in positions for hearing, but whoever listens now will find a burning flame lying in wait for him.’
‘And we do not know [therefore] whether evil is intended for those on earth or whether their Lord intends for them a right course.’ (Al-Jinn: 8-10)

The Prophet (peace be upon him) himself described how the jinn tried to steal the messages in the heaven. Abu-Hurayrah reported that the Prophet (peace be upon him) informed him, “When Allah decrees a matter in heaven, the angels move their wings in submission to His word which is like a chain on a smooth stone. When their hearts are delivered from fear they say, ‘What did your Lord say?’ and receive the reply, ‘That which He said is the truth and He is the Most High and the Most Great.’ Then those who listen by stealth hear it (i.e., the jinn), and they are like this, some above others (and Sufyan a narrator, illustrated this point by turning his hand over and separating the fingers). Then one who hears the word passes it on to the one below him, and so forth until one of them passes it to the tongue of a soothsayer or diviner. Often a flame catches him before he is able to pass it on. He then mixes with it one hundred lies. People then ask, ‘Isn.t it true that he not made such a statement on a specific date,’ and he is believed because of that one word which was heard from the heavens.” (Recorded by al-Bukhari in his Sahih)

However, from the Hadith about the types of jinn, not all jinn can fly.

Possessing Bodies

Other than the above, Allah has given Jinn the ability to Possess matter in our 3D world. They have the power to possess parts of the human body, from possessing an organ to possessing the whole body/mind. They can possess a bird/animal and speak through its tongue, even possess stones and trees likewise. But they, however, cannot possess every human. I will discuss Jinn possession in detail soon Insha’Allah.

Visions & Illusions

Another of their abilities is controlling the Thoughts and Visions of a Human. Hallucination, Bad dreams are nothing but the work of Jinn – if not psychological.


Once held by a powerful middle-Eastern practioner over 30 years ago. Extremely rare with the powers to control any entities called forth, as well as any entities that are around us.
Used during 16 Exorcisms, and over 100 rituals for Haziri (bringing an entity under your control or obtaining a contact, commitment with an entity)

This ring is said to be originated in Egypt, Once held by an individual that used it to lure women to commit  sinful acts, Due to laws of the countries the owner of this ring was sentenced to prison for adultery. The ring was later given to a "Shaman" by the owners wife or possibly sister for safe keeping, eventually the ring came in my possession and I "re locked" it. The other two smaller rings were also given to me by a who acquired them from a magician. He was about to get engaged and he did not want have such items in his home according to him he had never used them.
Once the items were in my hands realized that they were locked and were not used

A personal item of mine that i had prepared over time. It is a fully unlocked amulet of this kind needs to have specific rituals done consistently to keep it unlocked, for this reason entities can be placed in such items to keep them unlocked.

Owned by a "Sufi Healer" in Pakistan, Item is over 100 year old, It was used during spiritual practies, as well as numerous healing ,and Ruhani Rituals.
I obtained the staff over 25 years ago by another sufi Teacher when i visited Pakistan for specific kind of training . I never looked much into the power of the staff, but was told it mainly was created to deal with much kind of djinn / jinn related as well as spiritual issues.

Obtained from Lebanon a few years ago. commonly found throught the Middle Eeast but are unprepared.
Once prepared, the nails are nailed in specific parts of your home to keep away demonic presence as well as sihir ( Black magick)

Obtained from Indonesia. Used to increase business, as well as protection . Entity inhabited.

This ring is over 120 years old.
The story behind the ring is as followed:
5 magician living in the same village conjured 5 female djinns, which were all sister, while the entities agreed to be binded, the agreement was to binding would be done in ONE vessel. Over a period of time one of the magicians wanted to move, another passed away, and the third wanted to sell his Djinna to a client, the remaining 2 agreed they wanted to have their own Djinnyas. they took it among themselves to break the binding and place the 5 djinnya in 5 separate vessels. since this was against the original agreement, each of the magicians involved in "redoing" the binding suffered tragically. One was burnt alive in his home as he slept, another fell from his second-story flat and was paralyzed waist down, the one that wanted to move suffered a tragic financial crisis eventually passed from pneumonia, the one who wanted to sell his Djinnya, was not heard from. he had given ring to the magician who was paralyzed for safe keeping, the following morning the magician was never seen, the fifth magician as stated earlier had passed
prior to all of this from natural causes. i head this story while in Iraq knowing the only magician who was alive was the one who was paralyzed. I want to see him to see if the story true.  After seeing him and speak to him for 5 hours I realized  that  the story was indeed very true . We stayed in contact mostly by letters, 2 years  after i last saw him he had passed, the year later i was back in Iraq and I went to his family to give my respect, while there I was given 5 vessels, knowing the story i took it among myself to have the ring prepared as ONE ring with 5 stoned.


Enlightening you to your Seven Chakras. The Seven Chakras are the energy centers in our bodies where energy flows.

Love spells are my most common request and i do offer them in four different strengths levels.  As one of the most powerful spell caster that you will ever have the chance of working with. I will help you solve all your love and relationship problems, No matter how difficult or severe your situation may be.
Love spells can be cast to Return  your lost love or to make someone to fall in love with You, Call your soul-mate into your life, or to remove any problems or obstacles from your relationship

You have managed to find your true love and you want that special someone to invite you into a blissful marriage. You want use the marriage spell to enlist the help of the universe and positive energies  to bring him or her to their knees in proposition of marriage. Or Perhaps you are feeling  the pressure of family and society and have determined that your current partner is worthy of a lifelong bond. This is the spell for you.
Spending you lives together. The marriage spell is designed to facilitate this process and to create those magical moments with out the worry and hassle of waiting

Wicca is a modern religion that is based on pagan practices and principles which have been passed down for centuries, originating in per-Christian Ireland, Scotland, England and Wales. The word Wicca is originally an Old English word, meaning “wise one”. Those who followed the path of witchcraft in the old days were in tune with the forces of nature, and were often seen as respected healers and advisers, because they understood how to work with natural energies in order to affect everyday reality. Modern-day Wicca is not a dogmatic religion, and there are no long lists of rules to follow, save one: 'An it harm none, do what ye will. Wiccans honour and respect this Earth and all its inhabitants, and we treat every plant, animal and human as an aspect of the Divine. When we perform witchcraft, we do so with the utmost respect, and with the intention to harm none. To learn more about Wicca, visit this article explaining

Every day our energy fields are being interfered with by people, events, and even our own thoughts. Negative energy can attach to us and block our flow, which can bring us down, cause irritation and drain our vitality. It’s important to keep ourselves in check to make sure we are not being too affected by this. Eating well, exercising, spending time in nature and meditating are all good ways to restore our energy flow and stay balanced, but sometimes we need a little extra help. This cleansing ritual can be performed at any time when you’re feeling low, tired or otherwise affected by negativity.

To make a man desire you, scribe his full name and yours up on a thick red candle under the waxing moon (when the moon is getting fuller*) and when the moon is in the house of Scorpio.  Anoint the candle with your vaginal secretions; light it, repeating the following magical incantation three times, each time with more force and conviction than the last. 
“Crimson Candle, Bright with Fire
Bewitch (man’s full name) with Desire!” 
Now close your eyes, you may lie down, and visualize the man of your dreams making love to you.  Continue the erotic visualization each night until the candle burns out.  (Be careful with this one it often works a little too well.  Also, if your vaginal secretions don’t appeal to you use musk but consider that this may not be a good spell for you at all.
Traditionally, anointing a candle in Wicca is called "dressing".  For love spells, start at the bottom and work upwards to build energy, downward for banishing, and from the middle when a balance is desired.   
One more important reminder: always be extremely careful with candles.  10,000 homes a year burn from candle fires, over 1,000 people are injured and nearly a hundred burned alive--especially children.  Never leave a candle burning unattended and always have a fire extinguisher ready.    Mine is consecrated and lives under my altar.    We've had enough burning in our long history for us to add ourselves and our families to the fires of ignorance, in the case, our own.


Contains a blend of copulins and pheromones. Independent research has shown that the copulins in this formula increase men's testosterone levels by 150 percent in minutes, and the additional pheromones provide an aura of youthful attractiveness.

The success rate of many of these types of so-called love potions is due to the placebo effect. Sure, the pheromones are likely to send off some sort of chemical signal, but the idea that you're more attractive initially makes you, well, more attractive. You're confident, carry yourself better, and are more sociable. Thus, you get more attention from the opposite sex. That ain't the potion darling, that's simply you.

True love is our real-life magic. Why would we want to try to tamper with it?

If love potions were real, would you use them?
This natural aphrodisiac is based on the isolation and synthesis of unique pheromone compounds.

This fragrance oil is specially infused with pheromones to stimulate sex appeal and sends out subconscious romantic signals to the opposite sex. I actually have a bottle of this that I bought for fun during a bachelorette party -- will have to put it to the test.

One of our most popular Love Potion variants returns one more time! A honey of a variant of the one which started it all…our deliciously decadent and lust-inspiring Love Potion base of vanilla, amber and patchouli framing a aureate centerpiece of ripe juicy apricot soaked in four types of honey…incredibly luscious! And for an extra oomph of passion we've paired it with our exclusive GOTCHA! pheromone formula. GOTCHA! is a sensual sexual attractant, but more importantly with a little something extra...something to help erode his fears, something to help him let go of his inhibitions, something to help nudge him off that cliff of indecision and into your arms.

A deep, dark and ultra-sensuous Love Potion variety, that's dense with erotic appeal. A blend of thick, rich Vanilla Bean, aged and Indonesian Patchouli resins, Honeycomb and Brown Sugar, Amber resin, and a luscious Chypre blend. Extravagantly, deliciously rich!

Guys, you've been asking for this for a long time. Your voices have been heard and the result is Love Potion: Homme, comprised of our classic Love Potion base of deep and luscious Vanilla, Amber, Patchouli and a bright spark of Apricot. But because we appreciate the dark mystery about you, we've incorporated Mahogany, Vetiver, Sandalwood and a touch of Black Coffee. This combination of ingredients is wildly sexy, yet designed to ground you and give you clarity, focus and determination to aid in business, along with an element of luck and an air of exotic sensuality. With Love Potion: Homme, you're the master of your fate, the captain of your own ship. The power is yours. Reach out and take it.


Bring back lost lover , Broken marriage and family differences.
Get pregnant to a baby of your choice , infertility and impotent , all types
of divorce cases , get married to your soulmate .
Financial Problems.
Get rid of debts , job seeking ,business boost and protection,
promotions at work , wining tenders ,gambling ,lottery and casinos.

i,e. Diabetes ,gourd , Asthma ,Syphilis ,high blood pressure , swollen legs
and headaches ,gonorrhea ,bad or long periods ,menstruation pains , stroke ,
piles, all joints problems ,back pains ,virginal problems ,chest pain problems ,
bad smell, over weight / loose weight ,wrinkles and pimples ,skin rashes,
shortsightedness, pressure , improving CD 4-accounts,
warts cleanings and many others.
Stop drugs , alcohol , smoking and other
forms of addictions.
Sexual life , men and Women.
Boost feelings in both men and Women , stop quick ejaculations
in men , Are you dry and herbal enlargement in Men.
NB;Natural powers to priest and Sangoma ,pass exams ,interpretation of dreams, you want to
know about your future ,remove bad luck and witch craft.

3 exercises to open and develop your third Eye

The 3rd eye – also called sixth sense, can be found in every one of us, that’s a fact. But very few people know how to open it and use it. However, some simple exercises can enable you to progressively develop your third eye. Today, I will unveil 3 of them that will help you reveal the powers of your 3rd eye.

Open your third eye through breathing

  1. First, you have to breathe normally, become aware of your breathing rhythm to progressively manage to slow it down.
  2. Apply yourself to breathe deeply for a while. Do this slowly and deeply by breathing in through the nose and by breathing out through the mouth.
  3. Then, take deep breaths for ten seconds, inflating your belly and lungs with air. Keep the air inside you for five seconds. Then, breathe out slowly for ten seconds.
Put this initiatory breathing into practice for a few minutes every day: it will bring and maintain relaxation while it progressively opens your 3rd eye. You will then reach a level of higher consciousness.

Develop your 3rd eye through the technique of mental visualization

This exercise can easily be performed but it requires a lot of concentration.
  1. First of all, focus on a simple figure such as a circle, a triangle, a square or the flame of a candle.
  2. Then, close your eyes and mentally reconstitute the image you saw.
The more you put this exercise into practice, the quicker the visualization will be. You will then choose more and more complex figures to improve your mental visualization abilities and gradually develop your 3rd eye.

Opening your third eye thanks to space-time projection

This method will enable you to travel through your mind.

Travel in the past through your mind

With your eyes closed, get into the habit of visiting places you know as if you were actually physically there. Likewise, remind yourself of events of the past and relive them.
After a few sessions, you will manage to do that easily.

Travelling in the future thanks to your mind

After having experimented astral projections into the past, look to the future. Visualize for instance someone you have to meet the next day by imagining how they will be clothed.
Little by little, you will awaken your senses and open your third eye more and more by regularly practicing these exercises of space-time projection.

What can be expected once the 3rd eye is open?

Bit by bit, these 3 techniques will bring about a radical change in the way you view the world. After a few days of practice, you will better understand human beings and events on whom and on which you will be able to act.
By developing your third eye, you will harmonize yourself with the energies and the world of the mind. Your 3rd eye will open up many doors.
For instance:
  • your mind will become more instinctive and will guide you to make more good choices
  • your state of mind will become more positive, which should be beneficial to your projects
To open your third eye and discover all your potential, train yourself. Keep training yourself! This is the only rule you must obey to see your third eye open and develop!

 The Third Eye does exist as well as the aura
It seems it is not easy for most human beings to recognize that these two things do exist and give them a definition. Still, the third eye also associated with the sixth sense does exist, just like the aura. Better still, every one of us possesses them and can derive great benefits from them. How?

Link between the third eye and the astral body

The 3rd eye could be defined as a 6th sense, as a strong sense beyond the 5 senses known:
  • hearing
  • sight
  • touch
  • smell
  • taste
one that leads to a mysterious world, a parallel world, the divine world maybe.
Scientists have been looking into the third eye, into its power, into what they call extrasensory perception for a long time. But none of them has ever gotten convincing results without taking the structure of the subtle body of humans in their approach: their aura.

 What is an astral body?

Yet, long before the discovery of the atom, scholars had discovered there is life after death and, by extension, above the physical body: they talked about the astral body.
According to the sages of the East, it is an etheric body, an immaterial body, which is the replica of our carnal body and which is juxtaposed with it.

Astral body and chakras

This body, which is surrounded with an aura, is organized around a spiritual axis (corresponding to our spine) on which 7 chakras, 7 wheels called centers of energy are attached.
The 6th chakra is located in the middle of the forehead; it is called 3rd eye. This is the one that allows us to see what our eyes can’t detect. This is our sixth sense. It is found on Indian statuary, on Buddha’s forehead.
The world in which we are forced to live and the materialistic concerns we are daily faced with have caused us to lose our faculties of Vision, even though they are natural. We have somewhat lost our 3rd eye.
The more down-to-earth you are, the more vibrations are heavy. By contrast, the more you spiritualize, the more your vibrations become subtle and allow you escape many purely-mechanical laws.

Recover the powers of your 3rd eye

By practicing a spiritual discipline, it is possible to increase you vibratory rate, leading the 3rd eye to progressively recover its powers. Three outcomes can be expected:
  1. You may discover the Vibrations of reality, vibrations that normal senses can’t detect. You will be amazed.
  1. You may acquire a specific sensitivity that enables you to comprehend the essence and hidden nature of events, beings and things.
  1. You may develop the ability to derive information from the vibrations of “matter” through “ultra-lucidity”, real clairvoyance.
It is therefore possible to recover and open your 3rd eye, and to develop your sixth sense. How?… This is another question, one that needs other elements to be developed.

For More Information Contact Chief Keyfukumbe:
Phone: +27 63-099-9512
Or Visit:

Saturday 24 September 2016

Psychic And Spiritual Medium Plus Powerful Djinn / Jinn
Psychic And Spiritual Medium Plus Powerful Djinn / Jinn
Chief Keyfukumbe I Treat Different Spiritual Diseases And Different Spiritual Problems According To One’s Beliefs I Do Everything In Broad Day Light Because The  Darkness Makes Darkness and the Light Make Lightness.
For More Contact :
Cell: +27 63-099-9512

Powerful Djinn / Jinn That Will Change Your Life
  1. What Can Djinn Do For You ?

Majority of the individuals that have  asked me to help them obtain a Djinn/ Jinn, have wanted it for things such as:
  • Business Problem
  • Get Fame And Power
  • Money
  • Psychic Abilities
  • Love And Relationship Problem
  • Prophecy
  • Protection From Dark Spells and in some cases from other djinns. E.T..C
There Are million of Djinn / Jinn Waiting to be called upon so they can serve and be your life changing Djinn. We will only call upon a suitable and obey your commends.

Djinn are said to be creatures with free will, made from smokeless fire by God (Arabic: Allah) as humans were made of clay, among other thing

According to the Quran, jinn have free will, and Iblīs abused this freedom in front of God by refusing to bow to Adam when God ordered angels and jinn to do so. For disobeying God, Iblīs was expelled from Paradise and called "Shaytān" (Satan). Jinn are frequently mentioned in the Quran: Surah 72 (named Sūrat al-Jinn) is named after the jinn, and has a passage about them. Another surah (Sūrat al-Nās) mentions jinn in the last verse. The Quran also mentions that Muhammad was sent as a prophet to both "humanity and the jinn", and that prophets and messengers were sent to both communities.
I have been in the paranormal field for 30 years. I have worked with Djinn and Demonic entities, to perform the following:-
  • Exorcisms
  • Bring Back Lost lover
  • Protection from satan and temptations
  • Relief from hardships
  •  Protection from black magic, spirit attacks and evil eye
  • Stops Lover From Cheating
  •  Control your Relationship
  •  Luck & protection
  •  Boost your success

 Do not ask me to do something wrong.

I have a wide range of Djinn / Jinn spirits that serve and obey the master, complete control over your life, powerful magic to fulfill your desires and gain authority over your environment and events in your life.

For More Contact Us :
Cell: +27 63-099-9512